Business Queens Network (The Queens project) decided to freeze the plans related to further development because of the consequences of the pandemic. Instead, ACTA worked on stabilizing and making some adjustments in the business platform named Queens phase 2 before discussing further action – an eventual phase 3.
Gunnel Thunstöm divided the time between three tasks: Developing Golf Tour Las Ramblas, a network related to golf that members in Queens support. And according to Queens’ mentioned tasks outside the project, it has been done a lot to create a new Rotary club and according to The Wibes-case. More about those two cases are below.
Christina Berardi led the work to create a new Rotary club and was heavily involved in The Wibes-case.
Anne Brit Solheimparticipated in all the tasks. And because of the experiences Queens gained in The Wibes-case (check the conclusion of this so far here), it became necessary and proper, related to the main area in Queens, SKILL DEVELOPMENT FOR ENTREPRENEURS, to do a deeper exploration of “the black side of the moon in business” – further than The Wibes-case did possible. Shortly said, this part of business, the criminal, black side, is one of the most complicated, devastating, and dangerous “places” on earth, and that permeates everything. So, grounded on this and earlier experience working in the field – to detect fraud – two other cases were focused on in 2021 to refresh knowledge. Those two cases are global, well-known, and stripped of conspiracy theories, and the consequences related are enormous. In addition, those are cases that have gone all the way and are terminated in the judicial system, which The Wibes-case is not. But “the corruption system” is the same at a principle level, whether on a huge or a small scale. And because of this fact, rooted in Queens’ experiences with The Wibes-case, it became interesting to explore this as an adventure. A personal Facebook post is connected here to visualize what “the corruption system” is about – to gain a vague idea of the complexity of a global problem that undermines any society on the planet. And if you are interested in this part, which is a part of the wholeness of business, that affects us all in one way or another, please check the link above and the included comments.
In addition to “the black side of the moon activities,” some technical work related to Queens’ IT platform phase 2 was accomplished.
End of 2021 😊
At the start of the new year, 2022, Queens may have access to a business platform in ACTA if the decision turns out to develop it further with a better common knowledge of the business field’s dark side, especially in Spain than before. Two different networks related to us, through golf and Rotary, two areas where businesspeople often meet, are in progress. And we – all three of us – also have personal, private membership in those networks. And because of our separate work during 2021, we think the Queens project has a more stable base than what was at the end of the year 2020, which was summed up two months later, at the first anniversary.
Conclusion 2021: ACTA may offer SKILL DEVELOPMENT FOR ENTREPRENEURS better than before.
Happy New Year! Queens is honored to have had you with us and hopes the year in front of us, 2022, will bring possibilities to develop a phase 3 of Skill Development for Entrepeneurs. Thanks to all who have been involved in 2021.
Comments along the short lines after the blog post “Wibes – a crime scene?”
It has been interesting to experience a glimpse of a mafia eldorado. But it is awful to understand the consequences of this malign cancer similarity in one of the best societies on the earth, just because of a poorly regulated law system. But how can it be that Spain has come to deserve a “stamp” like a mafia eldorado? A parliamentary-democratic and semi-federal monarchy where the head of state is a monarch.
I personally think it is straightforward to understand – if you have history, management, and leadership knowledge. But to focus more on that here is to go too far. Those interested in looking into this the easy way recommend following the corruption case where King Juan Carlos I is the focal point. These days, that issue is being processed in the Spanish Ministry of the Interior. The same “place” in public Spain, where the Wibes case can get its entrance. Because it was considered to be so large that it is there where it belongs.
Cause? Policía Local could not take the case. Too extensive, they said. For the same reason, the Guardia Civil could not take it either. Then the next level is Policía Nacional. And then the next step in this “game” is such that a lawyer MUST be on the court. And that road Queens wanted to explore.
Queens want to test the system of law and justice.
Queens wanted to test Spain’s law and justice system to learn something that could support our focus area: Skill development for entrepreneurs. As we see it just now, this law system has become a method for efficiently conducting corruption. And the fact is, this is in a country where the person who has been “in the driver’s seat” in the development of democracy, including the law system – after the fall of a corrupt dictator – is himself under investigation for corruption. Conclusion: Interesting for Queens to take a closer look at and evaluate “some” correlations too.
This case may have triggered some fascinating points in different areas, including how a modern society can use those to start a reform – if the will is part of the consciousness of the government and parliament.
A lot is superbly good in Spain. The people are lovely, warm, friendly hospitable. In short, a place that is good to be. Democracy is evolving. So laws exist, to the highest degree. However, the law and justice system processes give a strong impression of ineffectiveness that is dangerous for a democracy.
By the way, wonder why the law system is like it is because the health system is super-efficient. We think the best in the world. But the same efficiency clearly does not apply to the juridical one in Spain.
It is always a reason for everything. And, in this case, it is obviously not about a lack of competence in conducting efficient systems in modern society. But as mentioned, those with a bit of history, management, and leadership knowledge will understand why.
Experience about the Wibe case Queens has under scrutiny is that deadlines, set in the form of law, are a problem. They are short. So short that, in this context, they can quickly go out of date before it is possible to get a lawyer in action. If the summer holidays come between – as in this case – the “rape” can suddenly become “a non-issue.” In addition, litigation in the courts is perpetual, not least costly – if issues at all get so far that they can be initiated before deadlines set the bar for that option. Not only that, authorities, such as The Spanish Ministry of the Interior, do not usually admit procedural errors directly either. Then it must go to court with a lawyer. And opportunities for obstruction in all parts of the law system are well established. So, the cost/benefit effect in an overall picture will be clarified before deciding to take the case to court – or not. There are different options, so we are not there yet.
The knowledge of the blockage in the juridical system is at an “ABC level” for mafia businesses – which plays high on these conditions and more. And when it comes to the Wibes case, which Queens are considering promoting, as in most cases in the justice process, it can take years. But, for the time being, which way this case will take is not yet decided. This blog post only shows a type of status now – in the middle of the mafia eldorado. So, The Wibes case is currently ongoing at the pace the judicial system allows.
If something relevant shows up, we will provide an update if it is appropriate.
Wibes, Women in Business España is almost dead – almost liquidated, without any legal decision or “law” to support what has been carried out. The Steering Group 2020, the untouchables – those that raised themselves above all – did it! Figuratively speaking, they raped the founder too, a member of honor, the President. And what did the members do? They gave the untouchables all their support and clapped their hands! … and the applause was resounding.
This is, in a way, insane. And I seldom get paralyzed and speechless, especially not in business. But this type of management that I have experienced in 2020 that still blocking it all is sad, although it is not the first time I witness something in the same direction. But it is a while ago, had nearly forgotten it, so it was easy to reach a state of speechlessness – for a little while – while I refreshed memories.
It is special to witness a mafia way of conducting a liquidation and being the only paying member in the affected association who reacts and asks questions and tries to get people to understand what they support. And for a short moment, I thought: Where are all the normal ones, those with dignity, integrity, and professionality? Those who understand something about associations, rules, laws, management contra “something” not worth being defined as anything but evil things but have access to the bank account, the information, and communications systems. They are acting like …, And those with a tiny, tiny degree of imagination know what some like that can cause, will not be surprised: I got harassed too – by acclamation.
Enough is enough! The time for internal revelations externally has come.
This blog post follows the history of Wibes and covers the period from December 3, 2019, to August 26, 2021. Through this, I am publicly revealing what has been conducted during 2020 and so far in 2021. But before reading further, do not even think of diminishing this scenario: This is not a catfight! This is a classic way of destroying societies. This type of behavior doesn’t know time, place, or sex. It is one of the world’s largest problems, but too few understand what actually happens and its consequences, especially not their own role in this tragedy. Even it is so simple to understand!
Before you read further, I will invite you to make a choice – if you want to know more: 1) Read on or 2) Jump to “A brief history from startup for the Steering Group 2020.” The first alternative gives more than the second one, a deeper insight into this mess. The second is spotlighting what I have defined as something to become speechless of … or 3) Leave the text – forget it all. Just choose your path 😊
The Steering Group 2020 in Wibes has deliberately caused a tragedy. From the point to be trusted as the management and the developers of the association – a unique society – they have conducted a complete turnaround during a short time. And it was planned. And now they are near their finish line. The association is almost dead. And they have been disclosed too. Sad?
That depends on the perspective. On some level, it really is. But to calm me down in this case, I say to myself this is a success story – because of where and how it happened. And because it is possible to see it as a part of something bigger, this can turn out to be a stepping stone to success. But in the first place, it is a pathetic tragedy.
The liquidation process of Wibes is like a mini-laboratory in how to destroy societies, any type of society all over the globe. And if you understand this and like to study and understand polarization in relationships, you will understand why it is so many refugees today, worldwide, and on the other hand, you may succeed in any area of life you focus on, e.g., as an entrepreneur, athlete, high-level manager (leader), partner, lover, etc. Then this Wibes-killing can be defined as useful. But it is “black.” It is “a gorilla thing” – and gorillas are not to joke with. They can demand a lot of energy. And if you wish to survive within such “games” with the energy you do not have, you or the relationship will die. But if you are wise enough: the sky is the limit.
But where to start? My advice is: Start by observing them, “the gorillas,” they are almost everywhere 😊 … perhaps as a part of yourself too. But why is the liquidation of Wibes happening? I do not know. The only “thing” I know, this is a result of classic low-level management. So, this may be interesting to those who want to do or be the opposite, learn about growing and thriving. So, if you have the intention to create something unique, read and think this through.
A digression: Once upon a time, I trained youth athletes. Mental training with people that became top athletes in a type of winter sport. And those who became world champions after a while were those who could see the whole: dare to lose and dare to win, keep focusing regardless of ups and downs. Just worked on, in the smartest way as possible related to themselves and the situation. They dared to trust the gut feeling, acted on relevant impulses, and handled fear intelligently. A typical “get familiar with the polarization system” related to themselves. Often they gave everything without anything in return.
So back to the mafia part of the polarization “system” and Wibes.
Three of the liquidators of Wibes that suddenly started to call themselves The Real Business Queens, the founders of JMS Business Group – Creating Solutions, knows why this happens. But I, as an ordinary paying member in Wibes, do not. So, I am only observing, speculating, and have questions. And based on what I can observe without information about normal association operation, through meetings and reports, and how members that put out questions are treated – and relate this to my competence as an instructor and coach in international management and leadership, and not forget: My own experience for decades as a leader and manager myself in all levels, both in international business and nonprofits organizations, this is a classic case to grab something. And harassment is an essential part of “business” like that. Perhaps a variant what follows: a tiny, little drop in the huge ocean. But enough drops of this quality also support the creation of the ocean – like it is today … very polluted.
* If you need a translation of the Swedish text, look at the bottom of the blog post.
It is sorrowful to witness what is about to happen to Wibes. But it is interesting too. Because with “the right” perspective, it is an important learning case. Otherwise, I would never in my life have sacrificed a calorie concerning giving it any attention – more than I do to irritating dust: Get somebody to remove it, as professional and fast as possible. But, after all, I work with online teaching.
But back to Wibes: Fast turnarounds happened in a society that had a culture with joy, good relationships, interesting network meetings, and more to a totally different culture with lies, personal harassment, misinformation to members, financial irregularities, and worse, are sad and exceptional to witness by the first glance and is a fact all over the world these days. Do you remember what happened in the US, in The United States Congress, not long ago?
Many go like crazy, according to journalists, these days – where everything is visible all over the world in seconds. That’s a fact, and thanks for the rapid way to communicate among most. But the fear focus is a problem, just turn on the news, learn and see it all from “the right” perspective. Perhaps it is possible that “the light” will turn on in the mind of enough people around the globe too. Because as far as I know, according to science and statistics, we only need about 5% of the population to do “a turnaround,” and artificial intelligence will speed the development too. And everyone that works with this knows that “gorillas” are soon about to move out in the forest again if enough forest is left to room them … at least it is a free exercise to dream about it 😊 … and also start to dream about “contrasts” that are more sophisticated, spiced with high-level intelligence. And in the meantime, until that materializing is a fact, it is possible to prepare – aim against to be among those who will understand “the future game.”
And yes, it is true: This scenario related to Wibes as a minilab of the world’s societies has been special. So special that it became a keyword to me “to show my face.” I decided to do a turnaround myself, a turnaround for the Wibes environment. Because up to now, I have lived under the radar, where I love to be – while I observe everything and everybody. And what happened? I got harassed for my competence and experience too. But so what? Business as usual from “that part of the world.”
Briefly said, I have apparently converted to “something” really bothersome, an opponent, one of the great ones – for those who do not know me – like most of the Wibes’ers don’t. And one of “the shocking news” related to me in this environment, that does not seem to use their time to read CV-summaries, is that I am the only one among the paying members who ask questions related to what the Steering Group 2020 has done, and not done, during one year, 2020 – and still are doing. A provable planned liquidation. In sum, “something” that gets me to think of a crime scene, far away from fair play, conducted of “gorillas.” And if you can manage this text until it takes you through my mentioned questions, you probably will see a shadow of the world-destroying concept as well. And then you can use this tiny information for free in your own life, to make your success.
A Wibes meeting – some years ago.
Related to the personal part here, I have voluntarily, for free, entered a tough role for most. But sorry for some, not to me. Because this special one, the questioner, has given me several and valuable career assignments in more complicated business than this Wibes case, an amusing fact for me 😊
In Wibes, the culture platform rapidly changed in 2020. A new culture spiced up with dubious actions enabled the liquidation of Wibes, a business organization registered in the Spanish Ministry of the Interior. And the symbiosis of different actions and behaviors turned out to be an interesting case for us in Queens. We decided to take it as far as possible to clarify how such cases work in Spain, which is so different from Scandinavia – and because this Wibes case is a school example of how to destroy a society, it is easy to understand how to do the opposite. This we found worth spending some energy on because our core business is: Skill development for entrepreneurs.
Think this through, especially those not related to this case, who want to learn a tiny part about the difference between low-level management and leadership. To create a polarized situation is a classic management trick, and “Divide and Conquer” is a management tool. The absolute easiest to use when to acquire and maintain power. Even gorillas and other animals do that. And the Steering Group 2020 is no exception. They are sitting in the driver’s seat of the liquidation of Wibes, supported by members who were easy to recruit. Because they are paid! They have got the promise to be paid with crumbs by having their membership fee for 2020 in return! Could it be more pathetic and classic? With no root in the applicable rules either. Then a mafia business is a good definition, as I see it.
For some readers, it also could be interesting to know what all the mentioned five persons in the Steering Group 2020 have as business areas, for the time being: real estate, legal advice, home styling, insurance advice, and art painting, among others. So they are not at all incompetent, even though a lot is not as it should be, and it is problematic for me to observe.
Are you with me? Perhaps not many find this interesting, and I know that this, for some, generates feelings like you need to take a big yawn and go to bed because all energy suddenly was sucked out of you. But, do not do that. This case is a core of what playwrights in Hollywood spend resources on making entertainment that really grabs you. It is a treasure trove of experiences in different ways. But it is not dramatized yet. It is only facts.
A brief history from startup for the Steering Group 2020 The Steering Group 2020 was elected according to new rules that were not approved by the Spanish authorities. But that they did not tell anybody. They were working behind the scenes with something that now looks like “to reach other goals,” even though the fact related to this history shows that they could not be approved as managers of Wibes by the Spanish Ministry of the Interior without some special actions. And because of that, the new statutes did not obtain approval either. And as I said, “nobody” knows. But the Steering Group 2020 had the trust from the members to take the business association forward, by the law, which then was totally different rules than they operated according to, the not approved ones. The applicable rules happened to be, according to the law, the old ones that have functioned in 2017 – 2019. But shit happens; those rules did not have the necessary liquidation clause. But they create solutions, so they worked on!
After almost a year, the former President, Berardi, understood what was happening in her name behind her back. Because one day, a messenger person come to her home at the door with a copy of a document registered by the Spanish Ministry of the Interior. That shows her the status of the management in Wibes, which was a special experience! Berardi was the President in Wibes!
And because of that and the quality of what was done or, more correct, lack of quality, she had to “sets down her foot” internally and try to stop the Steering Group 2020 that was on its way to damage the organization which turned out to be difficult. And what did they do then? Then they – who were not approved by the Spanish authorities to lead Wibes but did according to statutes that were not approved either – chose to continue their plans by running their “game.” And they accelerate their “carpentry” with lies.
Why? That is a question because it is not possible to clarify internally in Wibes. And because of that, many others turned up in my head, which lacks answers and gains wonders. Therefore, I will soon be spotlighting the liquidation of Wibes by officially publishing some of them, with the hope that there will turn up some answers.
Perhaps somebody knows. Because there is always someone who knows that also can see patterns and correlations. And those often want to tell, if they could be anonymous, which I experienced in another difficult case for me personally not long ago. Actually, a case related to Wibes and one in the Steering Group 2020, too. And through that case, related to what now happens, I can recognize a shadow of a pattern – also confirmed by other cases. But I am not sure of anything, still in the question and wondering phase. Perhaps because so-called realists need a lot of information when testing hypotheses.
But back to Wibes and my announced questions! I have 16 of them.
The basis for the questions about the liquidation of the association Wibes is The Steering Group 2020 suddenly – but far away into the year 2020 – claimed that they were not approved by the Spanish Ministry of the Interior as managers of Wibes; because the President, Berardi, would not resign; from the association!
So, according to this basis for my 16 questions but no success in getting reliable answers, I have desired to publish them here and now, hoping to gain something that would clarify.
Is there a reason for Berardi to not resign from the Wibes board as President when she herself has chosen to resign from the role she has held for 3 years 2017-2019 on Wibes annual meeting in December 2019?
Is there a reason why the Steering Group says that they have “a paper” that the President must sign to be deleted as President? A document she has never seen.
Is there a reason why the Steering Group withdraw all the money from the Wibes account in cash, immediately after they took over, and the account was closed. And a new was created in another bank?
Is there a reason for the Steering Group to refuse to give Berardi, a receipt for money and an expensive phone she has returned to the association on her resignation? … That is, to confiscate values, because that is the concept of this, as there is no will to confirm this by a receipt.
Is there a reason why Wibes members have not been told how much money the closed bank account had, and how much money the newly created account has received, and what has happened in the financial year 2020? … no financial reports at all have been produced in that financial year, which is illegal!
Is there a reason to hinder an elected member of honnor i Wibes, the President, Berardi, from communicating internally in Wibes by blocking her out from the organization’s main communication platform – so that she herself had to create a new electronic communication channel, which the Steering Group recommends members withdraw from?
Is there a reason to scrap the articles of association that Wibes operates according to, which have been in operation for 3 years and have been approved by the Spanish Ministry of the Interior, and create completely new articles with a section on how the association is to be liquidated? … articles of the association which, as known, was not approved by the Spanish authorities because the Steering Group did not either.
Is there a reason why the Steering Group did not inform the members that they were not approved by the Ministry of the Interior as the board of Wibes for almost a whole year? Something Berardi discovers in November 2020, then puts her foot down and actively takes up the role of president. Because, that was what she was. The President sets formal requirements for the unapproved Steering Group related to the operations in 2020, including transparency and financial reports in accordance with what the law requires. Formal requirements they do not answer!
Is there a reason why the Steering Group refuses to provide members with the information requested by the President, which is normal information in any association and regulated by Spanish law? Information points that are well concretized. Information all members received in the years 2017, 2018 and 2019, include the financial status.
Is there a reason why the Steering Group convenes an extraordinary annual meeting with a notice without mentioning a single matter to be dealt with?
Is there a reason why an extraordinary annual meeting, which during the meeting turns out to be about the liquidation of Wibes, has left no trace, neither by distributing the Zoom recording nor the decision from the meeting?
Is there a reason to force through the liquidation of a business association that has cost a lot of money and time to be regulated into the Spanish Ministry of the Interior which has only flourished through three years of operation (2017-2019) by the roules, and now will be liquidated according to statutes that was not approved in Spain, by a Steering Group that was not approved by Spain, on the grounds of creating a social network, and using a notary to write the President out of Wibes by “coercion” without the President, Berardi, knows it – and without her being contacted by the notary to confirm that there are a correct allegations made by the Steering Group that she as President not will sign out of Wibes voluntarily? In addition, this is a notary public that one in the Steering Group works closely with in connection with her own business, legal advice.
Is there a reason why the Steering Group has assigned them selves roles they never have been given via elections at an annual meeting where such is to be decided? … and got it stamped by a notary to look like it is legal.
Is there a reason why those who do not want Wibes to exist that they do not just opt out of the business association and start a social network, such as they want to have?
Is there a reason why the Ministry of the Interior suddenly approves the forgery of the Steering Group 2020? Even well into the new operating year 2021 (July 21, 2021) after the annual meeting of Wibes for 2020 has been held under the auspices of the registered and legal President, Berardi, who wanted run the business association in 2021, according to adopted rules approved by the Ministry of the Interior – and new paying members have become part of Wibes, and the Ministry of the Interior has received all the papers associated with this leagal annual meeting. This was even before the not approved Streeing Group 2020 in Wibes, the management the year before, suddenly was approved a year too late – in fact as the liquidators that not reach their goal in 2020. And they are not a part of Wibes in 2021.
What a mess! … but this is a kind of picture of logistics before Spanish lawyers have been involved. And it belongs to the case that it is a matter of the fact that the Steering Group 2020 and the “cheerleaders” are not among the paying members of Wibes in 2021 with Berardi as President, now “is hanging in the air” – pending a reaction from the Spanish Ministry of the Interior, which is informed of everything that the questions above have put the spotlight on.
With these words, I again will mark my distance publicly. And I emphasize the word publicly because I have already done it internally in the association as a member and was tried to be blocked out of the communication, harassed, and more. The same style that President Berardi experienced. Classic behavior. Like an unsophisticated copy of the mentioned gorilla methods, I focused on at the beginning of this blog post. Nothing more, nothing less!
The last question is: What could be expected by officially exposing a type of rape of a president by putting out questions?
Who knows. But anyway, I look forward to this Wibes case coming to a conclusion, whatever it may be, which depends on the top management in Spain, The Minister of Interior, and where they have the capacity to focus – in a country which already has a heavy load of crime and corruption – and a history of democracy only from the 70ths.
Thanks for the opportunity to refresh a tiny – but important – part of our competence, a business experience that for the most have been gained in “the man’s world”; in the nuclear power industry, the IT and telecom business, and the steel industry. And in this case, relate it to the Spanish official society too, just in the middle of our focus area in Business Queens Network, in a country that differs a lot from the Scandinavian. Although, it is an EU and Schengen country.
This was a perfect exercise for Queens. And we got the possibility to spice it up with Spanish lawyers and take it all the way up to the Spanish Ministry of the Interior too.
As I see it from my perspective, everything about this case provides important knowledge that can be harvest. But an eventual response from Wibes paying members in 2020 and the 2020 Steering Group members are not welcomed – just annoying, even if it is about to clarify something. You, gays, have got your chances and either did not use them or misused them – several times, behind the scene, internally in Wibes, also concerning me. And when it has gone so far as it has – and it is a difficult exercise to be cleaned through media because it literally isn’t easy to be cleaned in the printing ink, even if it is doing digital today.
We are now waiting for the next step The Real Queens will take – related to Wibes and perhaps to Queens – and it is a bit problematic. Especially because insiders tell that the Steering Group 2020 keeps focusing on its liquidation goal and has started to pay back the membership fee for 2020 to Wibes members. Do you understand the expression: ” the untouchables – those that raised themselves above all?”
Okay, this case is now official like it is to be elected into an organization registered in The Minster of Interior in Spain, which is risky business according to be questioned officially. That is a parallel to what is possible when you own a business too. And not to speak of if you deliver lousy products in the marketplace as well. Every normal customer – when mistreated – and not get any understanding at all, just harassments, when making a relevant complaint within a defined warranty period, will expose that to the world.
To conclude this blog post: The Wibes case is in a pending status. Now it is an issue for professional law persons to handle. But Queens appreciates what we have got from this special experience. It is interesting work, as we said, in the area we focus on – and related it to the knowledge about polarization. Here focused on the history 2017-2019, the part before 2020, and the opposite part, this one in this blog post from 2020 up to now.
For the time being, while waiting to get this clarified from professionals, Queens will discuss if it is worth giving more energy to this type of mafia-style of creating solutions. Wibes will anyway and always be a major part of our common history as single persons and as a team.
Okay, this is it! Perhaps you will get more information about the Wibes case later. So, until next time, whatever we focus on: Live, learn, and love 😊
_______ * Translation from Swedish to English: The term business queens are widely used, but what does it require to be a business queen? When we started the JMS business group, we discussed this back and forth. For us, it means working women, high competence in their field, social competence, professionals, but also to tease and spur each other to results, correct each other’s crowns if they have ended up on the snag. To be able to give and take constructive criticism and act as a sounding board. What do business queens mean to you?
Introduction History is a passion to me. Although I often cannot tell anybody anything about my own. Especially what is related to my work-life, which is extraordinary in so many incredible ways, but impossible to tell. Sometimes that could be hard to live with. But not everything is a secret, not the Wibes history.
A business network organization – background, establishment, and operation It has been a pleasure to be a part of Wibes, both the prehistoric time, under the establishment, and during the development – together with Gunnel Thunström, the reason for it all, and Christina Berardi as the founder and leader of Wibes, in my second home country Spain on the Costa Blanca. A unique work that even touches upon what we are trying to do today in Queens.
The background for the Wibes business association was given by Gunnel Thunström, who introduced another business network organization in the same geographical area, Qoola Qvinnor (QQ).
Gunnel Thunström arrived in Spain in spring 2015 to cultivate her golf passion for three months. And as an active part of QQ in Sweden, a professional business network organization own by Siv Thuresdotter, Gunnel Thunström got permission to start a department in Spain. Suddenly that was a fact, and every Friday at Las Ramblas Golf Terrasse, the network meetings in QQ took place, where I joined. And Christina Berardi arrived some months later. On the 19th of June 2015, Berardi took charge of the operation of QQ in Spain.
This is how it all begun, and the three of us in Queens met. And the adventure of Wibes started on the 1st of January 2017 with the founder Christina Berardi, who became the leader and president.
If you did not know, by being a founder of a Spanish official business association, a lot will follow that decision. Among several things, to be registered by the Spanish Minister of Interior and create articles of the association according to Spanish law is a challenge. And the organization has to grow. That demands a lot! And what about the environment of the organization when it grows – when you start from scratch?
It became “a little” back and forth in the matter of the authorities but in its entirety a piece of cake for Berardi. She is familiar with work in a global arena on all the levels necessary to manage this type of work: establish a foundation, and make an organization grow. In this case, 80 members at the most.
Establishment: January 1, 2017, was when the Wibe’s history began under the leadership of Christina Berardi.
Operation: Several women worked out Women in Business España and the “short name” Wibes. And the most active person in that work was one of Wibes’s true artists. The logo you may see in the picture below.
The President, like a leader – gave people room to work and blossom. And one of the results became the website And because was not a vacancy domain, CB was added to the domain name. CB for Costa Blanca.
WIBES – Facebook page.
The communication system in Wibes consisted of three Facebook pages/groups. The page above was a page to attract new members and got several hundreds of likes. In the period, a closed group in this blog post a picture below had several hundred associates. This was the electronic place for approved women where the requirement was a picture of themself in addition to becoming Facebook friends with the President. This group was meant to be a recruiting page or group for those who desired to go further to be paying members of the organization. In this group, all the invitations to network meetings were advertised. And the third group, the member’s group, was a non-searchable group, where all meeting notes were made. And this became the place for paying members. Briefly said, the main communication platform in Wibes was three pages/groups on Facebook.
In the first year – 2017 – the board was appointed with Christina Berardi as President and two more as the Spanish law requires MN and IMÖ. In 2017, women from different countries were invited to join. The languages in the physical network meetings were both Swedish and English. But this turned out to be complicated because many had problems communicating in English. So in 2018, the decision was to focus on the Scandinavians with a connection to Costa Blanca. In this second year – 2018 – MJC, BG, MN, MR was a part of the board with President Christina Berardi. And in 2019, a new board was elected, consisting of SJ, JW, MN, MR, and President Christina Berardi.
Further on in the period: statutes have been drawn up, inspiring brochures and roll-ups have been prepared to attract new members. In addition to statutes, the value base – values and codes of conduct – were prepared in documents. In Autumn 2019, Wibes also drew up an emergency list about different activities if something should happen to anybody.
Wibes even sponsored money in the fundraising for Childhood Cancer by Rotary Montesinos in this period. And another economic decision was made: The board members are exempt from paying the Wibes membership fees.
Different sections within Wibes • Mentorship program, UA as leader of the working group and Anne Brit Solheim, GG, and EA developed this. • A golf group was established by MM and operated by Gunnel Thunström. • IT strategy by Anne Brit Solheim. • Emergency routines by Anne Brit Solheim. JW and SJ joined the development. • An Activity Group (This is highlighted because it became an unexpected challenge related to this.) TN functioned as a convener in this group, together with IMÖ, EW, and BÖ. AF and LE were involved, too, because several strong voices wanted to turn the organization in a social direction, away from the business direction. But what the Activity Group was meant to do was not feasible, according to themselves. So in the autumn of 2019, when they concluded that there was no interest in social activities directed by Wibes, the activity group was resigned. The fact was, too few were registered for the activities announced. E.g., the event interest in the cava evening was meager, which is why it was canceled. A crayfish party, too, perhaps because it had the wrong timing. But the lunch at Mundo Pequeño was more popular when many came. But in sum not worth the work they concluded. This was a bit difficult to understand in the first place because when Wibes was developed, the organization immediately understood which huge social function it gains. When several women moved to Spain, they needed new friends to share their experiences with. And during these years, 2017 – 2019, many have found their friends and started cultivating other interests. So, the membership for some was dropped. And the organization had been a nice springboard to them. Wibes, and the founder, was proud of that. But then the organization had to rethink the focus and operation area. And because of lack of interest of the social part and the intention behind the founding of Wibes to become a business network organization, not a social group, something the name Wibes also underlines, and after the unsuccessful experience with the Activity Group, the future development of Wibes was decided to become an organization with a focus on business. Otherwise, a scenario that was rethought many times. A strategic project group worked it through as well. But the fact was that most of the members did not want to participate in the Activity Group’s events or join in so-called social activities. So when the Wibes organization’s focus had to be polished: focus on business with seminars, training, workshops and similarly became the conclusion.
Okay, now you have got a brief introduction to how and why in Wibes. In the following part of the blog post, you will find some facts about the membership, network meetings, Wibes in media, seminars, and lectures, study visits, company presentations, education, and various activities during the historical period 2017-2019.
Membership benefits were developed • A Wibes nameplate to every member • Participate in network meetings for 5 € incl. tapas & drinks • Attend and represent Wibes in official contexts • Advertise once a week in the closed group (no advertising in the secret group) • Bring an invited guest who can be there once at the cost of 10 € • Company discounts for paying members • Members encouraged to like each other posts on Facebook, comment positively, and share each other’s business posts
Network meetings Every Friday at 10:00, Wibes met at the President’s, Christina Berardi, home. That was later changed to Tuesday evenings at 18:00 – 20:00, and a little later on decided to do network meetings every other Tuesday. At these meetings, between 10 and more than 40 women participating. The President purchased food and drinks. Tapas, wine, water, coffee, and tea were served to the members based on how many say yes to the invitation. During this period, a number came and considered that because they did not eat or drink, they did not have to pay what was shown as a hole in the cash register. Thereafter, registration and payment were introduced at arrival.
Wibes grew and no longer had a place at the President’s home. Then the network meetings were moved to Rosaleda Properties’ premises in IBC (International Business Center) on Avenida California winter 2018. In connection with the move, a rolling schedule was introduced for members to take care of the purchases for the network meetings. It became a lot of work for Rosaleda Properties to constantly plan for Wibes, so after five months, the organization moved to Restaurante Arroceria el Sarmiento. And the members continued to pay 5 € for tapas and drinks. But it became increasingly difficult to stay at this place due to the noise of disco music and -light, especially when lectures were arranged. Once the members came to one booked network meeting, it was closed, too, and the President got within half an hour to find a new gathering point for the meetings. It was Restaurante EL Nacional where Wibes get a quiet place, good and fantastic tapas including drinks for only 5 €.
Wibes in media Vega Baja Television, Radio Nova, Nordic Radio, Costa Blanca Poddradio, articles and reports in several local magazines: Spain Today (SI), Mas Amigos, Skandinaviska Bladet, Trade fairs on the Costa Blanca, Expo Torrevieja, and Scandinavian Expo (outdoors) among others.
Wibes seminars and lectures • The Spanish traffic rules by Francisco Morales Guardia Civil Traffico • Banco Sabadell by Ronaldo Ignacio Daniel • Quiron Hospital Beatriz Fuente Hernandez • Imed Hosoital Carolina Delgado Jönsson • Modern Leadership by Lucia Grimaldi • Women’s Guide To More Passion Intimacy & Fulfillment by Lyn Smith • Torrevieja’s municipality Rosario Martinez Chazarra • Boost your business by Evakarin Wallin • The thought has no power by Evakarin Wallin • Metoo within the police by Kerstin Dejemyr • Bra school by Annelie Jill Ståhle • Realize the dream of expensive cruises by Masha Schoultz • Beauty treatments by Ilahy • Stress management by Liisa Eriksson • My path to freedom by Rong Lundqvist • My Road to Spain by Georgia Varjas • My Road to Spain by Monicha Blomberg • My way to Spain by Tina Nilsson • My life journey to Spain by Satu Järlbrink • Exercise & health by Carolina Björfjäll • IT strategy by Anne Brit Solheim • Emergency list by Anne Brit Solheim • Business Advice and Coaching by Majvor Muller • Coloring by Mariana Ramselius • New EU rules by Goodman and testament by Ann Brauner • Updates on updated EU rules by Ann Brauner • Show with music and dance before the fair with Maria Fallas • Tax system for individuals and entrepreneurs in Spain by Betty Gräns • ME by Susanne Carlsson incl. filming • To start a podcast by Christina Berardi
Conferences & workshops 3-day seminar at Hotel Fontana Plaza in Torrevieja with 45 participants and 10 external lecturers from Sweden, England, and the EU Belgium • Hairstyle show by GG • Mini exhibition • Fashion show • Wine tasting with tapas • Mini-expo where members brought something from their activities and presented • Mini-workshop on what each entrepreneur offered for discounts to Wibe’s paying members with EW
Study visit • Bodegas Francisco Gomez • Bodegas Faelo • Experiencia 43 (manufacture of liqueur 43) • Moroccan tea house Carmen del Campillo • Imed Hospitales & Ilahy • Quiron Hospitals • Theme evening – New trends in interior design, Silander & Holst • Creative Design • Asejar Vivero’s plant center Elche
Company presentations • Presentation of Nordic Fields Eva Waitzfelder incl filming • How I work with my company by Cristina Larsen • The nail therapist’s work by Birgitta Österlin incl. filming • What does “buy water” contain? by Cristina Larsen • Presentation of a selection of MJ Vision – Creative design’s products • Book presentations: Julia’s longing by Christina Strang, incl. filming • Book presentation: All trips are a detour home by Majvor Muller • The benefits of a new golf glove by Eva Waitzfelder • The crystal bed by Lena Oscarsson • BE Natural by Berit Harryson • 360 days with Afghanistan by Ulrika Jonasson, including filming • MJ Vision – Creative Design by Mia Niemi • Anne’s Call to Action by Anne Brit Solheim, incl. filming • Do the impossible possible by Anne Brit Solheim • M Lifestyle by Mariette Claeson • ASEA presentation by Carina Berg Selemba • New business idea with home visits within ScandClinic by Charo Perez Gomez & Lena Swerkström • New focus at ScandClinic with in-depth collaboration with Quiron and focus on rehabilitations from Sweden to Spain by Lena Swerkström • News about my company by Mariana Ramselius
Educations • Instagram training by MN • Facebook review by MN • Jewelry making by EW • Enneagram by UA • Writing course with UA • Coloring by MR • First Aid Training Quiron Hospitales • Vegetarian shots by LE • Useful fruit & vegetable juices by LE • Fire safety by CP incl. filming • Fatigue symptoms and how to prevent it by Christina Berardi • Contactless payment – How does it work? by MN • In Case of Emergency, ICE, by SJ • Presentation technique/rhetoric by Christina Berardi
Activities All activities have been coordinated with the organization SWEA • Joint dinner in Guardamar • Wine tasting at American Cafe & Steakhouse • Christmas mingle at IMÖ’s home • Crayfish disc at BH • Showroom MJ Vision – Creative design by MN • Lunch at Restaurante Mundo Pequeno • Boules with picnic • Barbecue on the beach twice by IMÖ • Wine tasting at MN • Cava tasting at MN • Quiz at Smaskens Bar & Bistro • Winter closing dinner at Restaurante Aroceria Sarmiento • Spring closing dinner at Restaurante El Nacional incl guess competition with a prize to the winner MP • Vernissage & Mingle at Taijitu Healthy Cafe by IMÖ • Mingle at Zebra Home about beds by PP • Beauty & Makeup Evening by MCOJ • Tarot card sessions by ARB • Wine tasting with an overnight stay in Jumilla by MN
Wibes conducted several surveys, too, to find out what interested the members before conducting different arrangements.
Wibes in social media 2017 – 2019: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and a website.
And what happened related to contrasts and perspective?
A joyful and interesting period from 2017 – 2019 is a closed chapter long ago. For some a little bit sad, but everything has a beginning and an end, and everything needs contrasts to be seen, and if it is possible to set it all in perspective, too, perhaps it is possible to learn something useful. So, the interesting Wibes history does not stop here, at the end of 2019, in a way that it did not start in 2017 either. The fact is, Berardi has been in charge from summer 2015 to summer 2021, six (6) years, from 2017 registered with the Spanish Ministry of the Interior under Spanish law as the legal President of Wibes.
The start of the end for Wibes? Suddenly, on an ordinary day in 2021, major contrasts in the association are a fact, like white vs. black. Do you wonder why and what happened? If so, “stay tuned” perhaps you will be updated later, when the ongoing events – that started with new management in Wibes, a Steering Group – are settled.
I have chosen the name of the new management in Wibes to be The Steering Group 2020 for reasons that belong to a different story. But I can tell now that the fiscal year 2020 for Wibes is still continuing, far away from all normality. This is not a closed chapter yet and has not become history.
Serious events related Wibes are happening! And to those who can see the long lines and consequences from top to bottom, and the other way around related to the law: We, Business Queens Network, need time to gain the right perspective to give you relevant information here in this blog, not only gossip that has become a huge part of these serious ongoing events named “The fall of Wibes?”
The only thing that is sure at the moment: The business network association Wibes, Women in Business España has been in an extraordinary situation for more than one and a half years.
Due to GDPR, in this document, personal information, such as names, is marked with initials for everybody mentioned without those working in Queens. But the sections called "Wibes seminars and lectures" and "Company Presentations" have names of the presenters connected. If you want to be anonymized, please send us a message here.
Congratulations, Golf Tour Las Ramblas, celebrating the 2nd anniversary on the 3rd of August 2021! with Best Regards from Business Queens Network (Queens), with members as sponsors of this magnificent golf network.
The founder of this excellent golf network Gunnel Thunstöm, with 638 golfers on the anniversary day, is a professional person not only as a creator of different types of networks but a good golfer and a steady golf mentor to Christina Berardi and Anne Brit Solheim, on their personal paths, to tackle this particular and challenging sport.
We, Christina Berardi and Anne Brit Solheim give our co-founder in Queens, Gunnel, a big hand for her patience with our different challenges in the golf field. We cannot emphasize enough that we were happy to assist her in the golf tournament on this special day. And not to forget that we look forward to our participation in the evening gathering with prize giving delivered at 24 Moby Dick Marin Torrevieja with the owner of that restaurant, Per Lindqvist, and his son Calle Lindqvist. Golfers, guests, and Rotarians hope we will get a great experience there.
We, the two golf novices in Queens, Christina, and Anne with seven hours in sweltering sunny weather, handing out scorecards, managing the photography job, giving all the golfers a special surprise nearby the hole 14, and collect scorecards, appreciate this day that gave us a lot for joy before we turned out in the unforgettable evening. Now we know it is a lot to do working as assistants in a golf tournament, too. But lucky us, we had a boss, Gunnel Thunström, that trumps the most.
Thanks from us in Queens, Gunnel, and we are sure all the players, sponsors, and participants in the evening event will agree with this: You are incredible!
Queens have the pleasure to present Eva-Lena Ivarsson, the owner of the company Coach 24-7. In the video interview below, she gives us information about the company, her ambitions, how she sees the future related to her businesses, and more about a new digital magazine, ConnectPoint.
Recently, Eva-Lena started ConnectPoint, which will be launched about 8 times a year. Here she interviews different types of people.
In the company, Coach 24-7, a lot is going on, e.g., a part of this is giving support to people who want or need more energy – and have a desire to feel better in the manner recommends here. When we write this, Coach 24-7 offers a 20% discount on different wellness products.
Please feel free to listen to the interview Queens did with her in February 2021.
Dr. Gunilla Andersson Gustafsson is a philosophy doctor in Industrial economics and organization. She is an extraordinary and interesting human being, a woman with a career that ranges from the artistic part of the hairdressing profession through teaching all the way to a doctoral degree.
The last autumn in 2020, we were so proud to have the possibility to do an interview and write a blog post about her. This you may read and listen to here. Besides, we enjoyed promoting her books, and an interview was done by the podcast called Hair Talks.
If you want to get familiar with Gunilla’s books, you may find several of these – and the pod interview from Hair Talks – on the Business Queens Network web page. Please feel free to check it out here under the field named “Publications from partners.” If you click on the relevant picture for the book you want to explore, this will lead you to the place where you may read more.
Do you need somebody to exchange ideas with, a strategic partner, one with international experience? Then you should think of Alicia Espinosa. She is a manager developer who guides managers and leaders to become leaders that others want to follow.
Meet one of the leading coaches in Sweden with an extraordinary and interesting background. She is educated as a civil engineer. The Swedish steel industry with a global work field has been one of her career areas.
Alicia Espinosa is giving a business lecture
Alicia Espinosa’s background in the process industry and intercultural experience often make her an obvious choice related to team development, manager coaching, or as a support in personal development.
Business Queens Network is happy to have her as one of our partners and to be able to present her here. Please feel free to listen to the interview we had with her in Swedish in August 2020.
WOW! Queens is turning one year. What a historical year this has been – as for other businesses all over the globe. And like the most powerful ones, the members of the Queens had to be creative in new ways, far above our original plans.
Two different Rotary projects have been accomplished, and the third one is ongoing. The fourth project is totally different, which has turned out to look more and more like a fraud case in one of the networks we, as individuals in Queens, have been involved in, Wibes, which is still an ongoing issue. These projects bring valuable experience. Contrary to business organizations in general, knowledge about being an entrepreneur of ideal organizations in Spain is beneficial. But both those projects are not yet closed and need to be concluded related to all the members in Queens.
2021-09-18: If you are interested, a link to updates about Wibes is below in this blog post.
The preliminary plan, developing the second phase of Business Queens Network (Queens) as a business platform in ACTA, now may deliver products through a net-based sales funnel is also completed.
Read on if you want to know more about the work the first year in and “around” the Queens’ constellation during a pandemic. The page on the website called Partners, projects, and news shows a snapshot of it too. Here you will find the status of partners, the projects decided to expose, and other relevant updates.
The first Rotary project the member of Queens became a part of is called Torrevieja Fundraising. That one was to help the local community’s weakest in and around Torrevieja in Spain, literally to save lives. This touches upon the startup of the second one in the frame of the Rotary. And with great help from our father clubs in Rotary in Sweden and Spain and especially the district governor in Spain, we in Queens as individuals maintained our three personal memberships in one of the largest network organizations in the world, which is Rotary. This is appreciated. And to those who did not know, that work turned out to be the third Rotary project: an establishing project to try to realize the second international Rotary club where we, as individuals in Queens, are founding members. This is pretty rare in a Rotary context, I (Anne) think.
The groundwork for the future Rotary club establishment is done in two different projects, with the plan that the second one of these would end up with a new international Rotary club in Spain. The name of the second phase of this work is Rotary Club Orihuela Costa International. And at the same time, we in Queens wished our “old” Rotary club – Club Rotario de la Zenia Internacional the best for the future. The largest club ever in the history of Rotary Spain by the chartered time. A club I represented on two stands at EXPO, Torrevieja, and in Norway in Jessheim Rotary Klubb. But we are so sorry to tell you that it looked like it had significant and escalating problems, which we could not do anything to prevent. Because of that fact, we decided to try again in another constellation. And as mentioned above, the fourth project, related to a network we established some years ago, Wibes, is also ongoing. The four mentioned projects above took a lot of time and focus in many months.
The original plan for 2020 was to develop Queens further, from Phase 1 to Phase 2, by establishing relevant products that Queens can advertise and deliver professionally, resulting in more business in the future. This plan is called Queens – Phase 2, conducted hand in hand while building a functional organization and finding a suitable office. And when the talk is about the organization, the experience is: It is time to discuss values. And Rotary’s values for that global network are a good starting point. So, the value keywords for Queens have become Service, Fellowship, Diversity, Integrity, and Leadership. An available physical network meeting place was established too at Best Office in the area where the Queens project was launched. In parallel, the network was also growing through cyberspace meetings. Day-by-day work during Queens development, the first year during the pandemic, has been accomplished through gatherings and meetings in cyberspace across country borders in Europe. So, cyberspace became a gift. This made it possible to maintain and develop the necessary strength to accomplish what has been done, including Queens – Phase 2.
In the work frame to save people’s lives and reach the goal for Queens – Phase 2 parallel while doing the groundwork for a new Rotary club, much-clarifying-work in the Wibes case became more than planned. Conducting those projects simultaneously during a relatively short period without the opportunity to meet in a physical space serves the definition excellent, I think.
In addition to the abovementioned work, Gunnel Thunstöm had another type of work, golf. In parallel, Christina Berardi managed the podcast called Varför Spanien? which she founded. And I, Anne Brit Solheim, have worked in ACTA, a Norwegian company I established.
Okay, just some glimpse of what we as individuals and a team have done during a pandemic as entrepreneurs.
If Business Queens Network looks like something for you and your business, too, just join us. Until June 30, 2022, you may have a one-year membership in Queens with a 50% discount. Then you will be able to meet business owners, managers, entrepreneurs, make new contacts, learn more and exchange ideas. You will get your logo with a relevant link on our marketing page for free and moreif you consider joining. And if you want even more, like videos, blog posts, etc., and of course, share the blog post and interview on social media where you want to share this, Queens only says welcome to be a paying member.
Perhaps you know that Rotary is a global, non-religious, unpolitical, humanitarian, voluntary organization. Rotary is important to many people worldwide and is working “hand in hand” with the United Nation (UN).
This organization has values and ideas which are important to Business Queens Network (Queens). So, we desired to participate in their global work that covers many fields where people struggle worldwide. But we needed a club because a Rotarian’s work starts there.
We, Christina Berardi, Gunnel Thunström, and Anne Brit Solheim, before we established Business Queens Network (Queens), became three of the founder members of the largest Rotary Club in Spain’s history. This club was named Club Rotario de la Zenia International and turned out to be both the largest club and the second international club in this country, as far as we know. You may see us all in the picture above in a beautiful castle during the club’s memorable inauguration. A certificate of honor is here, in other words, a historical event.
In 2020 we, the Queens, took a new step in our Rotary history. This you may read more about in the following link. And through the information about the work we have done, including the project work, ROTARY CLUB ORIHUELA COSTA INTERNATIONAL, to prepare our new International Rotary Club, we to wish our “old” club the best for the future.